Voyager Linux 23.10 Beta Version: A Detailed Review

In this article, we will delve into the beta version of Voyager Linux 23.10. We’ll explore the user experience, system performance, and some noteworthy features of this distribution. Keep in mind that this is a beta release, so there may be some issues.

Booting into Live Mode

Upon booting up the beta version of Voyager Linux 23.10, the user is greeted with the boot menu. The first step is to choose the language.

Live Boot vs. Installation

Before proceeding, it’s advisable to initiate a live boot by selecting the “Try Voyager” option. This allows you to evaluate the distribution’s performance and stability. If everything goes smoothly during the live boot without encountering any bugs, you can consider proceeding with the installation.

Installation Process

The installation process is accessible from the desktop. However, it’s recommended to thoroughly test the live boot before making a decision.

Upgrading vs. Fresh Installation

For normal users, upgrading to this beta version is not recommended. It’s better to wait for the stable ISO file to be released before considering an upgrade.

Changing Display Settings

After booting into the live environment, consider adjusting display settings as per your preferences. Check your monitor’s resolution settings to ensure optimal display.

System Information

Here are some details about the system being used for testing:

  • Operating System: Voyager 23.10 Beta
  • Virtualization: VMware
  • CPU: 12th Gen Intel Core i5
  • Memory: 4GB RAM
  • Hard Disk: 40GB

System Monitor

Monitoring system resource usage is crucial. During the live boot, it’s observed that approximately 2GB of RAM is being utilized. Keep an eye on both RAM and CPU usage to assess system performance.

Performance Observations

During testing, some performance issues were noted. The distribution exhibited lag and sluggishness, particularly when running with 4GB of RAM. Animations and responsiveness were affected.

Command Line Testing

Various command-line tests were conducted to gather system information, including kernel version, running processes, and hardware details.

Installed Applications

Voyager Linux 23.10 Beta comes with a variety of pre-installed applications, providing a range of functionalities.

Resource Consumption

When multiple applications were opened concurrently, RAM usage increased to around 3GB. It’s worth noting that this level of resource consumption may not be suitable for systems with limited RAM.

Application Compatibility

While opening multiple applications, some compatibility issues were observed, causing delays and unresponsiveness in certain cases.

Browser Version

The distribution includes Firefox version 118, which is ahead of the standard Ubuntu release.

Extension Manager

Voyager Linux offers a customizable extension manager to enhance the user experience.

Closing Remarks

In conclusion, the beta version of Voyager Linux 23.10 exhibits some performance issues, particularly in resource-intensive scenarios. It is advisable to wait for the stable ISO file if you intend to use this distribution for regular tasks. If you decide to test it, share your experiences in the comments, as it can help others assess its suitability.

End of Article

Thank you for reading this detailed review of Voyager Linux 23.10 Beta. We hope this information helps you make an informed decision about using this distribution.

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